It's a Lifestyle, Not Just a Hobby
Lake Homes in Foxland Harbor
Foxland Harbor is located in Gallatin, TN 37066. There are approximately 140 homes in this community. Some of these homes are lakefront or provide a view of Old Hickory Lake. Homes in this community range in price from $300,000 to over $4,000,000. Currently,homes in this community are currently zoned for Jack Anderson Elementary, Station Camp Middle and Station Camp High School. You may verify school zoning Here. Community amenities include underground utilities, golf course, clubhouse, restaurant, pool and more.
Lake Homes currently available in this lakefront community are shown below. If no results are displayed then there are currently no homes available for sale. Contact me and I'll be happy to let you know as soon as one becomes available!
Lake Homes For Sale in Foxland Harbor Subdivision-Gallatin Tn
- All Listings
- $600,000 - $700,000
- $900,000 - $1,000,000
- Over $1,000,000